Notify your sales team quickly about a qualified visitor on your site with voice alerts. Voice alerts allow you to announce, via a web browser, details about the visitors on your site, so that your sales team can get this information while working outside of Qualified. When they hear an announcement about a high-value visitor on the site or looking at certain golden pages on your site, they can quickly jump into Qualified and engage.
In this article, we'll teach you how and when to set up voice alerts within your experiences.
Getting Started
There are two different ways that you can set up alerts within your experience:
- Create a step specifically to alert your team regarding certain visitors.
- Set a sound alert when a visitor is qualified and routed to your team.
Creating an Alert Step
You can trigger a sound alert at any point during an experience. To do so, create a step and select "Sound Alert," as shown below. We typically recommend alerting your team right away if your experience is for ABM accounts, open opportunities, or other high-value visitors.
Before setting up this step, you might want to consider the certain criteria in which you’d like for the alert to play and who you’d like to get the alert.
For example, if you use Clearbit Reveal you’ll be able to tell immediately when a visitor comes onto your site if that visitor belongs to a company with a certain employee size. Setting up a rule earlier in the experience to capture this information and then playing the alert sound to your sales team might help them quickly be alerted to high value visitors on the site.
To do this:
- Create a branch step that looks at your visitor field for employee size.
- Set your rule to alert based off the employee size (for example: greater than 500).
- Create the next step and select to send an alert.
By setting up a specific step for the sound alert, you can also add a few other customizations to your alert such as: only sending the alert to a certain group of your reps or only one particular rep. For example, if you have a sales team that takes care of your high-value customers, you send the alert to only that specific team.
Using Variable Tags in Voice Alerts
Customize the alerts your team receives with variable tags to add certain information about the site visitors, like their name, location, employee size, or other qualifying information. You can use variable tags any time that the information is known about the visitor via Salesforce, Pardot, or if they are a known user that has already visited your site and you've collected this information about them.
If you have Clearbit Reveal, this information can come directly from Clearbit Reveal as soon as the visitor steps on the site, or if they are a known user and someone who has visited before, we'll remember them and pull this information about them.
For example, let's say you want to trigger an alert every time someone visits your pricing page and include the company that the visitor works for. You have a Clearbit Reveal account, so you're already mapping this information into your visitor fields and can therefore use variable tags to announce the company name.
To get started, edit the experience that you'd like to add your voice alert to and go into the sound alert settings. From here, make sure you have the voice option selected and begin placing in the text of the message that you'd like it to read. Remember to add fallbacks by using a pipe to separate your fallback term from your variable tag (as shown in the example below). To get a full list of variable tags that are available, check out our variable tag library.
Voice Alert Examples
Here are a few examples of using our voice alerts to tell your team a target account visitor is on the website:
Alerting the SDR owner
Urgent urgent - A Diamond Account is on the website: It's a visitor from {{}} owned by SDR {{visitor.fields.account_sdr}}
Alerting the Team of an ABM Account
Urgent! Urgent!. {{visitor.full_name}} | "A visitor"}} from {{ | "an ABM account"}} is on the website.
Alerting your Sales Team to an Open Opportunity