There are several reports you can create in Salesforce to help you see the value of your Qualified experiences. In this article, we’ll walk you through creating three reports in Salesforce to help track the impact of your Qualified experiences:
- Qualified campaigns with leads
- Qualified influenced opportunities
- Qualified influenced ABM opportunities
Getting Started
In order to build your own Qualified dashboards in Salesforce, you must use Salesforce Campaign Influence. Salesforce Campaign Influence allows you to associate an opportunity with multiple campaigns, rather than tracking individual leads.
To create any report in Salesforce about Qualfied's influence:
- Set up campaign attribution within Qualified and configure Campaign Influence in Salesforce.
- Create a campaign in Salesforce that tracks engagement with your Qualified app.
- Verify that your Qualified experiences are being attributed to your Salesforce campaign by going to Integrations> Salesforce > Lead Mapping. Your Salesforce campaign should be listed here.
If you use Pardot and Salesforce, we strongly recommend using Pardot Connected Campaigns
Qualified Campaigns with Leads
Build a report that shows how many leads come from Qualified and influenced your campaign. (When you later create your Qualified dashboard, this will help you see a clear view of how many leads have come in via Qualified that are currently associated with a campaign.)
Create a new report in Salesforce and select “Campaigns with Leads and Converted Lead Information” as your report option. This will include current and recently converted leads.
From here, add a few filters to make sure you’re looking at your Qualified campaign specifically.
Finally, add a chart if you'd like to the report to see the visual representation of Leads and name your report " Campaigns with Leads."
We recommend the following settings:
- Show me: All Campaigns
- Filter by: Campaign name contains
Groups (in this order):
- Campaign Name
- Lead Created by Date (We suggest additionally grouping this by calendar week or month)
Additional columns:
- Name
- Title
- Company
- Opportunity Name
- Opportunity Amount
- Owner
Qualified Influenced Opportunities
Once you have Campaign Attribution set up and working within your Salesforce account, you should start to see activity in your campaigns as leads come into your site and interact with your Qualified app. If you’ve followed our previous instructions, you’ll now have a Campaign called Qualified and you might even have child campaigns for each Qualified Experience that you’re running, but this isn’t a requirement.
- A campaign is associated to a contact role on the opportunity. This means that the contact that's assigned to a contact role on an opportunity is a member of a campaign.
- Use the Add to Campaign button on the Campaign Influence related list on the Opportunity record (Campaign Influence 1.0 only)
- Enter a campaign in the Primary Campaign Source field on the opportunity record. (Any campaign saved in this field will be reported, even if it is later removed or replaced.)
Once the report is selected, you can configure the reports to see the opportunities that were influenced by your Qualified campaign.
From here, you’ll want to add a few filters to make sure you’re looking at your Campaign specifically.
We recommend the following settings:
- Show me: All Campaigns
- Filter by: Campaign name contains
Group by (in this order):
- Campaign Name
- Lead Created by Date (We suggest additionally grouping this by calendar week or month)
Additional columns:
- Contact name
- Company
- Opportunity Name
- Opportunity Amount
- Stage
- Closed date
- Owner
Notice, we’ve also set the set a filter for our Opportunity stage, to ensure we’re capturing the completed and in progress opportunities. Set your opportunity stage filter here if you’d like to only see opportunities that are in progress or completed.
Finally, run the report and make adjustments as needed like adding a bar chart, as shown below, to give you a full picture of the Qualified campaign influence on your opportunities and name your report " Influenced Opportunities."
Qualified Influenced ABM Opportunities
If you use account-based marketing (ABM), create a report that shows how Qualified conversations influenced your ABM opportunities.
From Salesforce, run a 'Campaign with Influenced Opportunities’ report from the list of standard reports.
The next step will depend on how you track ABM accounts within Salesforce. You may mark your accounts with a custom field that says "ABM or have tiers like 'Diamond' for their highest account. Create a filter for however you mark your ABM accounts.
Also, add a few filters to make sure you’re looking at your Campaign specifically.
We recommend the following settings:
- Show me: All Campaigns
- Filter by: Campaign name contains
Group by (in this order):
- Campaign Name
- Lead Created by Date (We suggest additionally grouping this by calendar week or month)
Additional columns:
- Name
- Title
- Company
- Opportunity Name
- Opportunity Amount
- Account Name
- Owner
Once you've set your filters, find the total sum value of your opportunities. In one report, it will tell you the number of ABM opportunities and the total value of those opportunities that were influenced by Qualified.
Add a visual chart at the end, to help you see the value of your Qualified influenced ABM opportunities and accounts.
As the very last step, save your report and name it " Influenced ABM Opportunities."