Once Qualified users have connected to their calendar as part of the setup process, Qualified offers the option to connect directly to Zoom or Microsoft Teams for meeting link generation. Alternatively, users can manually enter their own meeting details such as a personal meeting link, however, connecting to Zoom or Teams creates a more seamless meeting booking experience for the user.
Connecting to Zoom or Teams
Qualified users have the option to connect to Zoom or Teams to automatically generate a unique meeting link for each meeting booked through Qualified.
Click Connect with Zoom to begin.
Login to Zoom using your Zoom credentials. You may also be required to verify your identity by entering a code sent to your email.
Optionally, check the “Allow this app to use my shared access permissions” option. This checkbox does not affect the functionality of the Qualified app and can be left either checked or unchecked when authorizing the Zoom app. To proceed, click Allow.
Note: depending on your team's Zoom settings, you may see the option to Request Pre-approval. If so, approval for any new app is required by your Zoom admin. Once approved by your admin, you will be able to connect.
Admins can find our marketplace app listing, here, and will need to enable the “Approve use of this app” toggle in the “App permissions” section. Admins should then see Qualified listed in the “Apps on Account” list.
All set! Your Zoom account is now connected! Once connected, Zoom will automatically generate a unique meeting link for each meeting booked.
Microsoft Teams
Click Connect with Teams to begin.
Login to Teams using your Team credentials.
When prompted, click Yes to Allow app permissions.
Good to go! Your Teams account is now connected! Once connected, Teams will automatically generate a unique meeting link for each meeting booked through Qualified.
Rescheduled or Canceled Meetings
For meetings that are rescheduled or canceled using our “Reschedule or cancel your meeting” link in the confirmation email, the Zoom or Teams link will be updated or deleted accordingly.
Disconnecting Zoom or Teams
To disconnect your Zoom or Teams account, simply click Disconnect. Once disconnected, your data, including your credential user ID, access token, and refresh token, will also be removed from our database.
For any troubleshooting or questions, please reach out to your Qualified Success Architect or contact our support team.