The AI Chatbot Checklist
Discover the 10 must-have capabilities of a sales and marketing AI chatbot.

Qualified Chatbots

Turn your chatbots on autopilot with the power of Qualified AI. Designed to drive pipeline, Qualified Chatbots engage valuable buyers and scale pipeline generation around the clock.

Qualified AI Chatbot
Hi Donna! Any pricing questions I can answer for you?
Donna Murphy
We just did our seed round.
What's right for me?
Qualified AI scanning indexed training data for relevant information
Qualified AI Chatbot
Our Grow plan would be best. Let's schedule time to talk live?
Josh Chen, Account Executive
Your meeting was scheduled

Qualified Chatbots are built with one goal: pipeline

Qualified Chatbots identify and engage your most qualified website visitors then convert them into pipeline, automatically.

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Qualified Chatbots are on a mission to convert your best visitors into pipeline, 24x7

Your sales reps aren’t always available, and that’s where chatbots really shine. Powered by Qualified AI and the Pipeline Cloud Platform, Qualified Chatbots can automatically identify your best buyers, engage them in a sales conversation, book meetings, or hand them off to a dedicated sales rep when reps are online.

Introducing Qualified AI 


Powered by Qualified AI and the Pipeline Cloud Platform, Qualified AI Chatbots are jam-packed with horsepower. Join our co-founders as they pull back the curtain on how Qualified Chatbots can accelerate pipeline for your business.

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The AI Chatbot Checklist

AI chatbots can grow and scale pipeline, but they aren’t created equal. If you’re considering a chatbot to drive more pipeline from your website, ask yourself: does my AI chatbot check these 10 boxes?

Read the checklist

Book more meetings for your sales team

Day or night, qualified buyers are on your website. Don’t let them leave without getting a meeting on the books. AI-powered chatbots schedule time with the right buyer and the right sales rep, increasing efficiency and ensuring pipeline is never left on the table.
Explore Qualified Meetings

Route buyers for a live conversation when their interest is piqued

Qualified Chatbots are perfect for answering questions and moving visitors through the buying journey. When the conversation becomes more nuanced and buyers are ready to move forward, the chatbot will seamlessly pass off buyers to their dedicated sales rep without missing a beat. It’s the effortless and efficient experience modern buyers crave.

Chatbot goals designed to meet your pipeline goals

Configure Qualified Chatbots to strategically steer each conversation in a way that best suits your business. The chatbot can book a meeting for target buyers with their assigned sales rep or route buyers for a live chat. Qualified Chatbots will always operate toward defined goals so pipeline is never left on the table.

The Qualified Chatbot is an amazing example of how we create both meaningful and personalized buyer journeys. With 24x7 engagement, we never miss a lead. It’s the future of pipeline generation.

Nolan Mikowski
Marketing Manager, Demand Generation

Within months of putting Qualified Chatbots on our website, we generated $6M in pipeline. This is the epitome of always-on sales!

Ori Yankelev
Want to see how Qualified Chatbots can work for you?

Learn how putting your chatbots on autopilot will generate more pipeline today.


Train chatbots to operate like your best sales rep

Qualified AI is trained to answer each visitor’s question in a way that is truly intelligent. It ingests resources — like case studies, pricing, or competitive positioning — then references this data along with context, a prompt, a persona, and Large Language Models (LLM). As it’s tuned and refined with feedback, the output becomes increasingly smarter and more effective over time, just like your sales team.
Qualified Chatbots Training Diagram

Build a custom chatbot in minutes, no code required

Prefer a more hands-on approach to chatbots? No problem. Our rules-based chatbots are built with advanced decision trees that engage visitors, capture leads, and drive more pipeline — all while delivering a curated and controlled buyer experience.

Revolutionize your website with the Qualified Platform

The Qualified Platform underpins the entire Qualified product suite so you can identify, engage, and convert your most valuable website visitors into pipeline. This is the ultimate platform for AI pipeline generation. There’s nothing else like it.

Qualified Platform
AI Pipeline Generation Platform

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See Qualified Chatbots in action

Learn why Qualified Chatbots are the future of pipeline generation and how they can turbocharge your pipeline efforts today.
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